Why Has Bingo Lingo Party Become so Popular?

What we are about to discuss in this blog post has become an epidemic in the UK. It is the newest and most exciting breed of Bingo, which is sweeping across the nation. That’s right – I am talking about Bingo Lingo, the latest entertainment trend of young people. What the creators of this new game have achieved, is take the conventional style of bingo, which is stereotypically played by older people only, shake all the dust and turn it into a fun, exciting and mad bingo party – ALL NIGHT LONG!
Benjamin Webb, Author at BestCasinoSites.net Written by: Benjamin Webb

Published: 8 December 2018

The Popular British Party - Bingo Lingo

This phenomenon, which originated in Cardiff, has quickly gained massive popularity and the venue that created it is now touring across the UK, cosy atmosphere so that more people can experience it. What you can find at this bingo night, which cannot be seen at any other, are the dance-offs, twerking, drinking, on-stage appearances, joke prizes and a lot more. It is definitely an unforgettable adventure! In this article, we will reveal the main reasons why this bingo style has gained so many admirers.

The Amazing Atmosphere During the Event

The venue, that hosts Bingo Lingo has a great, cosy atmosphere, which ensures that all visitors have a splendid time. The tables are long and wooden, reminiscent of the Harry Potter dinner tables. The dress code is, however, not robes and invisibility cloaks, but is rather casual. Thus, all customers can have a jolly time, get as comfy as they can and really enjoy this memorable experience. There is also the possibility of making new friends, as you are placed on these long tables alongside other groups of friends. A little useful tip – always book a table before you get there, as chances are it will be packed. Showing up at the door without a reservation almost always guarantees you will be seating in the corner on a bench, provided they even let you in. The venue is filled with all kinds of fun people and the chance of you running into someone you know is sky-high. You will most certainly see at least one familiar face there – as Bingo Lingo is the absolute place to be on Friday nights!

Great Atmosphere at Bingo Lingo UK

Drinks, Music and More Drinks

An essential part of every Friday night out is, of course, the alcohol. At Bingo Lingo, you will be treated to lots of top-notch cocktails and ciders, and, of course, the drink of choice at this event – The Holy Stein. You will have the opportunity of feeling like a part of Oktoberfest – as the beer glasses reach never-before-seen magnitude. And all of that is topped up with amazing music. You can hear almost anything during Bingo Lingo – from Frozen to Justin Bieber. Therefore, you are guaranteed to have your favourite track played, regardless of your style preferences. You can even see people getting their groove on and dancing on the table. Another great feature of this event is the funny host, who always creates a fantastic atmosphere and has a great love for the game of bingo. He is the one, who announces all the numbers and makes funny wordplays, such as “Nine, always on time”. This contributes even more to the fun and exciting game atmosphere.

There are many drinks and great music at Bingo Lingo

The Prizes Are Amazing (Sometimes)

Bingo Lingo is not like anything you have played before. It has been fully updated with new rules and characteristics, so as to match the needs of the newest generation of party animals. What you can expect from such an event is on-stage dancing, twerk-offs, tacky prizes and utter chaos. The party consists of 8 games with 3 bingo boards and terrible prizes to win. The cherry on top of this sundae is, however, the mother-of-all-prizes at the end, which goes to one lucky fellow. Sometimes, that is a real car, which he/she can drive off with. After all, you can get 400 pounds in cash, or an incredibly pointless reward – all up to luck. Some of the pointless prizes that have been given are a Darth Vader costume, 10 packs of chips or a pack of Krispy Kremes. Actually, who wouldn’t want a pack of those delicious doughnuts anyway. The whole point of the rewards is for them to be absolutely pointless and therefore hilarious. The top prize, however, is ridiculously pricey and valuable, which one of the best parts of this event. There are Amazing Prices at Bingo Lingo UK

The Game Itself Is Really Fun

The game resembles conventional bingo only slightly and has rules, which are way more fun and suited for younger people. For example, if two people call Bingo at once they have to fight for the price. The host decides what they have to do to win – sometimes that is a dance-off, where you have to win the audience with your sick moves, other times you have to sing a Queen song at the top of your lungs. One of the most embarrassing things they can make you do is twerk to a song next to your rivals. If, however, you refuse to do any of the tasks that have been given, you are guaranteed to be remembered as the lamest person at Bingo Lingo. The crowd will boo you off stage and scream offensive things as you crawl back to your seat in the walk of shame. If you attempt to cheat at Bingo Lingo and claim you have the numbers, when in fact you don’t, you are entitled to humiliation in front of everyone. Sometimes, they will make you stand on the table and down your drink, which is better than the other option of having the crowd chant “You silly bitch” with great enthusiasm. So, don’t cheat – Bingo Lingo is a fair and square game! Bingo Lingo is a Really Fun Game to Play

It Is a Breath of Fresh Air

You are probably a bit sick of the same old outings with friends on the weekends. Pre-drinks at home followed by a night out at the local club. Sounds familiar? It is fun when you do it a few times, but then it gets kind of boring. Bingo Lingo provides a remedy for this routine, as it is something fresh and totally different than what you are used to. Playing a game with lots and lots of people is fun by itself, but when it comes with amazing prices – like a car, it becomes even better. The atmosphere resembles that of a standard nightclub but with several perks. You can meet new friends at your bingo table with which to dance the night away. Furthermore, the whole experience of this event will definitely leave a mark and will remain as an unforgettable adventure in your memories. Bingo is no longer an activity for the elderly and we definitely recommend you check it out! Another thing that you might wanna take a look at is our list of the best online bingo sites. Have fun!

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