Do Casinos Pump Oxygen into the Air – All Behind the Popular Myth

Hey there, fellow gamblers! It's so wonderful to have you back. We cannot wait to share all the fun content we've prepared for you. As you know, we love discussing topics that do not always receive the attention they deserve. In this article, we will try to debunk a very popular myth about land-based casinos. We've gathered some info from different articles, videos and other resources to share with you. Do casinos pump oxygen into the air? Is it true? Is it working? Is it dangerous? Read on to find out.

Benjamin Webb, Author at Written by: Benjamin Webb

Published: 25 February 2020

Pumping Oxygen in Casinos Myth

How Did the Oxygen in Casinos Myth Come To Be?

Sadly, no one could track when exactly the oxygen in casinos myth was born. We do know, however, that this has been a popular topic for over 35 years. This reminds us of the Percy Jackson movie, where waitresses at the casino kept giving everyone ambrosia flowers to eat. Percy and his friends, as well as other people there, forgot how long they’d been staying there because of the flowers. Anyways, it has been discussed whether the oxygen in casinos myth is true or false for a long time. Some players swear by it, while others think this is ridiculous.

Why Is Believed That Casinos Pump Oxygen into the Air?

As we said, some Las Vegas fans believe that casinos pump extra oxygen into their halls. This is a topic that has been discussed even by the BBC in their article about psychology of super casinos. In a nutshell, many sources claim, and some people believe, that oxygen (O2) is pumped in some casinos to keep players awake for a longer time. That way, they have more energy to spin the roulette or play blackjack for longer. Other gamblers speculate that casinos pump different essences or laughing gas to make them bet more. But aren’t they going to start laughing more? Just a thought. What is the truth then?

Other Similar Myths

So, do they pump oxygen into casinos? Before we reveal the truth, we must mention that there are a lot of different casino myths that players believe or have at least heard of. Not all of them relate to the air at the casinos but are interesting and somewhat ridiculous. Keep in mind that some of these urban legends are real. You will be surprised what casinos do to lure you into playing more. Here we go:

  1. A person watches players through cameras and decides who is going to win the jackpot from the slot machines – C’mon, really? It is odd that when you’re so sure you’re going to win, but then you fail and the person after you takes all the cash. But do you really think that someone is doing that on purpose by playing ‘God of the slots machines’?
  2. Unlimited booze and food to keep you at the casino for longer – Well, this is kind of true. While you’re at the casino, the waiters are constantly cruising around you. They fill your cup or offer you a bite. All for free! This is a way to distract you and to keep you playing. Try not to get too drunk, though.
  3. You can’t tell time – This is a myth that is actually true. Most casinos don’t have any clocks on the walls or the tables. The lighting in the hall confuses the eye and you can’t tell whether it is day or night until you get out of the building. It is a small trick to make you feel like time goes slower and to keep you for ‘one last game’. Make sure you have a watch or a phone handy to keep track.
  4. Lights and music excite you – This is something that we might have mentioned before in one of our blog posts. There are different stimuli that get people playing more. This includes the ring of a slot machine when you hit the jackpot or the background music which makes you feel like you’re at the club.

Do They Pump Oxygen into Casinos? No, They Don’t!

Dear readers, the myth… remains a myth! High levels of oxygen may keep you refreshed and awake, but it may also be dangerous. It is known that pure oxygen is highly flammable and is definitely not a good idea to be pumped into a closed space with a lot of people that might smoke. Also, it is expensive and illegal to pump pure oxygen in closed facilities. Can you imagine how the insurance company would react if they understand the huge risk the casino is willingly putting the venue and the customers?

Casino Myths and Legends

Anyways, don’t worry – this is not true! Of course, casinos should have good air conditioning because of the smoking in the facility. However, there is no way there is extra pure oxygen pumped. So, the answer to your question – ‘Do casinos pump oxygen to make you spend more?’, would be no, oxygen in casinos is certainly not common practice.

What do you think? Should we try and debunk another popular myth? Let us know on our social media! Thank you for your attention! Make sure you check out our blog for other interesting topics. Also, if you want to find a casino site that is legit, you can head on to the guide of the best online casinos in the UK. It features some of the top online casino operators in the UK and worldwide.

You’ve probably heard the myth about oxygen being pumped into the air of casinos to keep people playing longer. It’s the ultimate Las Vegas myth. What you might have noticed is that the air in land-based casinos is cool, but that’s only because they want you to have fresh air. If you think about it, many problems would arise if casinos were to enrich the air with oxygen. Most importantly, extra oxygen would mean dangerous fire hazard.

Frequently Asked Questions

That’s all we wanted to share on this interesting topic of oxygen and casinos. So, next time you’re at your favourite slot machines, don’t worry too much about myths, but enjoy your time and play responsibly. Before we let you go, we have a few questions we have answered for you.

🤔 What does pumping oxygen into a room do?

More oxygen is not necessarily better, and there are a number of reasons for that. In fact, if one is to pump oxygen into the air of a room, that room would become a dangerous fire hazard because the extra oxygen would increase the flammability.

❓ How do you increase oxygen levels in a room?

It's not clear how the oxygen in casinos myth came about, but there're natural ways to increase the oxygen in your home. Try adding plants, such as the areca palm, money plant, or Chinese evergreens. Another way to improve the air is to use natural air purifiers, such as salt lamps, beeswax candles, peace lily and bamboo charcoal.

✅ How do casinos keep you awake?

Casinos in Las Vegas don't need to pump oxygen in the air because of the following tricks for losing track of time at the casino:

  • There are no clocks in the casinos.
  • There is an abundance of drinks and snacks to keep you going.
  • There are lights and sounds all around you, such as the sweet song of the slot machines.

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