Online Casino Sites Bahrain: What You Need to Know
The most important piece of information we could give you about gambling in online casinos Bahrain is that all forms of gambling are completely illegal, whether it be sports betting or playing games of chance. This includes playing at online Bahrain casino sites and land-based casinos. While this is the current gambling law, there is the possibility that laws may change in the future in which case we will keep this page updated.
An Overview of Gambling in Bahrain
The Kingdom of Bahrain is an Islamic Arab state and therefore adheres to Sharia – or Islamic – law, which completely outlaws any form of gambling or maisir. There are therefore no legal land-based or online casinos in Bahrain, nor are there any bookmakers. Though the country has held a Grand Prix Formula One Championship race every year since 2004, betting on outcomes of this race is also strictly forbidden.
The Current Legal Situation
Article 2 of the Constitution states that “Islamic Sharia shall be ‘a main source’ of legislation”. Though there is no specific clause within the constitution that relates to gambling, the Quran condemns gambling in several places. The belief behind the law is that success should be earnt and not won by chance. Gambling is referred to in Article 308 of the Bahrain Penal Code which states that “Every person who gambles in a public place shall be liable for imprisonment for a period not exceeding 3 months or a fine not exceeding BD 100.” In the Penal Code ‘gambling’ is defined as “Every game the winning or the loss of which is dependent upon luck rather than upon factors which may be controlled”.

Gambling Responsibly in Bahrain
The only responsible way to gamble in Bahrain is not to do so at all. As mentioned above, any person who gambles is subject to a fine or jail time. Any gambling operations including national and international casino sites, sports betting outlets or websites should be avoided as gambling in Bahrain is outlawed and any gambling outlet claiming to be a safe a legal place to wager money is untrustworthy.
History of Gambling in Bahrain
Gambling in any country that follows Islamic law has never been a legal activity, whether it be in a casino or over a game of cards in a private residence. Although Bahrain is host to one of the largest motorsport events in the world, the Bahrain Grand Prix, sports betting is outlawed. Only interested parties outside of the country may place bets on the outcome of races. Of course, over the years there have been cases of illegal casinos or gambling operations which have resulted in all involved parties being prosecuted.
Famous Resorts
There are no famous gambling resorts or casinos in Bahrain as gambling is prohibited. The most famous sporting venue is the Bahrain International Circuit, located in Sakhir. The circuit opened in 2004 and has been used for drag racing, the GP2 series, Australian V8 supercar events and the Bahrain Grand Prix. The first annual Grand Prix event was held in 2004 and was won by Michael Schumacher, after whom the first corner of the track is now named.
The Most Famous Bahrain Gambler
As you would expect from a country that has outlawed gambling, there are no famous or even notorious gamblers or poker players from Bahrain. As playing casino games online or on land, whether that be slot, table or live games, is not permitted, there have been no large prizes won by any citizens either.
Conclusion: The Best Bahrain Online Casino
To recap, there are no land-based or casino sites Bahrain that are legal. The Bahrain gambling laws fall in line with Islamic Sharia law, which prohibits any games in which the outcome is dependent on luck. This includes placing bets on any sporting or other events or playing any casino games whether on land or in Bahrain online casinos, though bets can be placed on sporting events within the country, such as the Grand Prix, from any country in which gambling is legal.
Frequently Asked Questions About Gambling in Bahrain
As any form of gambling is absolutely forbidden in Bahrain, there aren’t a lot of gambling-related questions that people ask. Nevertheless, we have answered the most frequently asked questions asked by the residents of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Is There a Land-Based Casino in Bahrain?
Bahrain is an Islamic country that follows all the tenets of Islam which is the reason why all forms of public gambling are banned in the country. There are no land-based casinos, nor are there online casinos in Bahrain.
Has Gambling in Bahrain Always Been Illegal?
Bahrain was one of the first areas to convert to Islam, in 628 CE. In Islam, gambling is absolutely forbidden. Maisir (gambling) is prohibited by Islamic law on the grounds that “the agreement between participants is based on immoral inducement provided by entirely wishful hopes in the participants’ minds that they will gain by mere chance, with no consideration for the possibility of loss.”
Can Residents of Bahrain use a VPN to Reach an Online Gambling Site?
Bahrain has one of the strongest levels of Internet censorship for gambling in the world. Those who try to gambling in Bahrain through VPNs or other types of technology do so at their own risk. We certainly do not recommend this kind of behaviour and in case caught harsh penalties are involved.