Good Luck Animals Around the World: Find Your Symbol of Fortune

For centuries luck has been part of people's everyday life and they have come up with various theories of how to attract it. The different cultures believe that there are not only certain lucky symbols such as the four-leaf clover but also many animals with special energy that can attract good luck. We have decided to explore further this belief and have made a quick trip around the world to find out each culture's lucky animals. Want to pick your favourite one? Stay with us and find your lucky symbol.
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Published: 25 December 2018

Lucky Animals Around the World

Top 10 Lucky Animals from Around the World

Looking for a certain animal? We have selected the top 10 good luck animals and the 3 lucky mythical creatures that can help you attract good fortune. For easy access, we have prepared a list of all lucky animals featured in our article, which you can see below. If you are a proud owner of one or more of them, we would say that you must test your luck, so give a check to our pages about the best slot sites.

1. Rabbit

The Rabbit is One of the Lucky Animals in the English Cultures

The Rabbit has been the most coveted animal in the English cultures for centuries. There is even an old English superstition that claims that if you repeat the word “Rabbit” three times in a row on the first day of the month, the good luck fortune will follow you until the end of it. According to Western cultures, the rabbit is a symbol of fertility and prosperity. It is a tradition to give a white stuffed rabbit as a gift to a little child as a wish for a prosperous life. It is also one of the most popular gifts for casino lovers!

The rabbit is also a symbol of wealth, but you do not need to have the actual animal as your pet to attract it. Americans have come up with a much more convenient way to attract good fortune. You have probably heard that many of them carry a rabbit’s foot as a good luck charm. In order for the lucky symbol to work, however, it has to be the rabbit’s left foot. An interesting fact is that for years the rabbit’s foot has been gamblers’ favourite lucky symbol and many of them would not have walked into a casino without carrying one in their pocket.

2. Dolphin

Dolphins Are Lucky Animals in Many Cultures

The dolphins are considered to be lucky animals by many cultures including Ancient Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Italy and the USA. For centuries Christians and Native Americans have seen the dolphins as good luck symbols of protection and have used their images as a symbol of good luck. Sailors were happy to encounter a dolphin in the sea as the animal meant that the land was near, and that good fortune was upcoming. Signs of good fortune are always welcome, including when participating in online gambling in the US. Thus, it comes as no surprise that there are many myths and legends claiming that dolphins are people’s saviours and protectors, and seeing one brings good luck.

For example, according to a Greek myth, Dionysius turned himself into a dolphin to transport to the shrine to Delphi. It is also believed, that the name dolphin comes from the word delphi, which translated from Greek means womb. The meaning attributes more feminine and peaceful qualities to the dolphins. Nowadays it is believed that keeping a porcelain dolphin figurine in your home is one of the easiest ways to attract good luck.

3. Cricket

The Cricket Is One of The Chinese Good Luck Animals

There is nothing more beautiful than a warm, summer night, accompanied by the cricket’s harmonious song. Many cultures recognised the uniqueness of this utopia and saw the cricket as one of the animals that bring good fortune. Furthermore, the cricket is one of the most popular Chinese good luck animals. It is especially depicted in Disney’s blockbuster Mulan, where the cricket is the protagonist’s good luck animal. However, China is not the only culture that sees the cricket as a good luck symbol. For years, many European countries believed that crickets can attract good fortune and wealth to the family. That is why even nowadays many households have a cricket souvenir as their good luck charm. The beliefs are even stronger in Ireland, where crickets are well-respected, and it is believed that talking badly of them might offend them and bring bad luck. Cherish them and they will bring you a good fortune while keeping the fairies away at night.

4. Goldfish

The Goldfish Is a Good Luck Animal in the Slavic Culture
The goldfish is well-known as a symbol of luck in the Slavic cultures. There are many fairytales, featuring a goldfish, ready to fulfil three wishes of the person that catches it. While currently, the goldfish might not have its alleged magical powers, it still has the ability to bring you good luck. It is one of the eight sacred symbols of Buddha and represents fertility, harmony and wealth. Even Ancient Greeks believed that the goldfish could attract good luck and fortify marriages and relationships. Ancient Egyptians believed almost the same and kept a goldfish in their households as a lucky symbol.

Another interesting fact is that the goldfish is also present in the Feng Shui. According to many Feng Shui specialists, the goldfish is thought to bring good luck because its movement resembles the chi energy. There is no specification of how many goldfish you should have. However, it is believed that uneven numbers attract more positive energy. Want to find out if the goldfish would manage to bring you good luck as well? Head to the store, get one as a pet or as a souvenir and try your luck at 32Red Casino.

5. Elephant

The Elephant Is One of The Most Popular Good Luck Animals
The elephant is one of the most popular animals that bring good luck around the world. People often buy elephant porcelain figurines and place them facing the door to attract good fortune and to scare off the bad luck. The elephant is especially coveted and cherished lucky animal in Asia where many business owners have two elephants by the entrance of their buildings. The statues are believed to bring fortune and stability and to protect the company from misfortunes.

According to many myths and legends, the elephants are considered to be some of the wisest and most intelligent animals and have been glorified by people for centuries. Thus, it comes as no surprise that in Hinduism elephants are depicted as sacred animals and are related to some of the most powerful gods. You have probably heard of Ganesh, the Hindu god with an elephant head. There are also other gods depicted with elephants. You will possibly find many elephant statues and images in India, as a symbol of protection and good luck. Some Indian players even carry their luck to the live casino India sites. You could even use your lucky elephant charm when playing at roulette sites in India. Oh, and if you ever go to Thailand, make sure you visit the open-air Erawan Shrine elephant and ask for good fortune.

6. Frog

The Frog Is a Chinese Good Luck Animal
The frog is one of the most famous Chinese good luck animals. It is believed to bring fortune and prosperity. In fact, you have probably seen the popular Chinese three-legged money frog, kept at the homes of many people as a lucky amulet that could bring fortune and prosperity into their homes. According to the legend, a Lu-Hai, the immortal, saved a three-legged frog that could not jump from a well and in gratitude, every day the frog brought him a golden coin from a secret treasure until he eventually became a rich person.

The three-legged frog statuette is a reminder of the legend and attracts positive energy by reminding us that every good deed is paid off. Nevertheless, there is one more simple reason why the frog is considered a lucky animal. Frogs are generally associated with rain. When it rains, the fruits, vegetables and crops grow, and people are no longer hungry. If you are going somewhere on a trip, remember to always bring a frog lucky charm with you as according to Japanese beliefs, it will protect you on your journey.

7. Horse

The Horse Is One of The Most Popular Good Luck Animals
For years horses have been some of the most cherished animals, famous for its pride, strength and speed. Thus, they are often seen as a symbol of freedom, strength, and power. Their presence in many Greek mythology stories made them even more appreciated and people started to believe that horses were lucky animals. You have probably heard the story of the miraculous birth of the beloved winged horse Pegasus that was a part of many heroic adventures in Greek mythology.

Furthermore, according to some legends, horses could see what humans could not and protect them from evil forces. Thus, it comes as no surprise that the horseshoe is still considered a lucky symbol and many people hang it above the front door of their homes in order to attract prosperity and ward the bad luck off. You can also attract good luck by always carrying a little horseshoe souvenir with you.

8. Pig

The Pig is a Famous Lucky Animal in China
You might be surprised but many cultures believe that the pig is a lucky animal. In fact, the pig is a symbol of prosperity, good luck and fertility. It is a part of the Chinese zodiac and its symbolism is dearly appreciated in Germany, Ireland and the Nordic countries. It is no coincidence that people keep their money in piggy banks. Feeding the piggy bank with coins symbolises our efforts for a prosperous future. An interesting fact is that according to the Chinese horoscope, 2019 is the year of the pig.

You can attract its positive energy into your life by wearing colours that symbolise metal such as white and golden and fire such as red, orange and pink. Furthermore, in China, it is also believed that the pig can attract plenty of good-luck for those who are self-employed. You can also attract good fortune by carrying a little piggy talisman with you all the time. Want to check if this lucky animal will bring you prosperity? Try Playtech’s thematic video slot Piggies and the Wolf.

9. Tiger

The Tiger Is One of The Chinese Good Luck Animals
The tiger is one of the many Chinese good luck animals. It is a part of the Chinese horoscope and it is famous for its strengths and bravery. Furthermore, the tiger also represents powerful energy. It is associated with Tsai Shen Yeh, the Chinese God of Wealth, which is often depicted sitting on a tiger. Thus, the tiger is not only a good luck animal but also a symbol of prosperity and wealth. According to the Chinese legends, tigers also had the power to banish the evil forces.

In fact, the symbol of a tiger is commonly hung on the wall as a talisman on the Chinese New Year. Thus, the tiger can not only bring you good luck but also keep the negative energy away from you. You can try to attract its good and positive energy by carrying a little tiger talisman everywhere with you. Will the tiger bring you good fortune? Find out by trying IGT’s video slot Siberian Storm.

10. Ladybug

The Ladybug Is A Popular Lucky Animal
The ladybug is one of the most popular ‘good luck’ symbols around the world. It has a special meaning in almost every culture and its ability to attract good luck is known even by children. According to the legend, if a ladybug lands on you, you must stay still and count the spots. Their number will reveal how many months full of good luck you will enjoy. There is also another belief, claiming that if a ladybug lands on you, you must make a wish. The number of spots on it will reveal how many months it will take for the wish to come true.

The ladybugs are also often used as a talisman for protection, joy and prosperity. According to another legend, however, if you harm a ladybug that has landed on you, bad energy may follow you. So if you encounter a real ladybug, enjoy its wonderful colours and make a wish. However, you do not have to wait for the summer to make a wish on a real ladybug. All you need to attract its good fortune is a small souvenir in its shape.

Lucky Mythical Creatures

Was your favourite animal among our top 10 lucky animals? Do you need more alternatives? To boost up your fortune, we have prepared a list of three lucky mythical creatures that you can use as a talisman.


Unicorn - The Scottish National Animal
The unicorn is Scotland’s national animal for a reason. The mythical creature is a symbol of strength and purity and in many parts of the world, it is considered a bringer of good luck. In Vietnamese culture, for example, the unicorn is considered a sacred mythical animal. It is believed that it is a strong and faithful animal and a symbol of mercy. It is also an interesting fact that for years many cultures believed that the unicorn was a real animal.

According to some sources even the Greek philosopher Aristotle concluded that the unicorns existed but did not hold any magical powers. It is also true, however, that according to many legends, real or not the unicorns were responsible for many miracles and the positive turnout of many complicated situations. Nowadays, you can try to attract its positive qualities and good luck by keeping a unicorn porcelain statuette in your home or by wearing a small unicorn jewel.


The Chinese Dragon for Luck

The dragon is an important part of the Chinese culture and is one of the ‘good luck’ symbols used in the Chinese horoscope. In fact, according to the legends, the Ancient Chinese believed that the emperor was a direct descendant of the dragon. According to ancient Chinese beliefs, the dragon has a good nature and is the master of rain and water. Nowadays, it is believed that the dragon brings protection, strength and good luck. Considered one of the Chinese good luck animals, many dragon figurines that attract good fortune can be found in the Feng Shui shops.

There are many Feng Shui dragon figurines and carvings available in the shops. To bring good luck, prosperity and wealth, place your dragon statuette in an open space and make sure it faces toward the room. This position will likely attract positive energy to your room, home and life.


The Mythical Phoenix

The Phoenix is a very important symbol in the Greek and Chinese mythology. It is believed that the Phoenix attracts love and good luck. According to the legends, however, the creature is a symbol of renewal, rebirth and overcoming darkness. It is also an interesting fact that in Feng Shui the dragon (ying) and the Phoenix (yang) are often depicted together as according to the legend they complement each other and symbolise matrimonial bliss.

You can attract the phoenix’s positive energy by placing a phoenix statuette in your home. According to certain Feng-Shui practitioners, you should choose red phoenix figurine if you want attract fame and success. Place the Phoenix statuette in the south sector of your house or office to attract prosperity and more opportunities. For a matrimonial bliss, place a statuette or a picture of a phoenix in the southwest sector of your bedroom.

Frequently Asked Questions About Good Luck Animals

Do you have any questions about the good luck animals around the world? Take a look at our section, dedicated to the most frequently asked questions on the topic. We hope that the answers we’ve provided will intrigue you and will prove both useful and informative.

πŸ‡ What animals foot is a good luck charm?

It is a well-known superstition that a rabbit's foot is a good luck charm. And when it comes to rabbits, it's not just their feet. According to an old English tale, if one repeats the word 'rabbit' three times on the first day of a month, he is going to be lucky until the end of it.

🐎 What are good luck animals?

As you can tell by their name, good luck animals are believed to bring good fortune to whoever owns them. The list is long and the good luck symbols tend to differ around the world, though a couple of well-known examples are the rabbit, cricket, elephant, horse, tiger, dolphin, goldfish, frog, pig and ladybug.

🐘 Which animals bring good luck?

Many animals are believed to bring good luck. Depending on where you are in the world, you will find that different cultures have different symbols of good luck. There are some, however, that have been recognised internationally and they include the elephant, rabbit, dolphin and goldfish.

🐞What animals are symbols of good luck?

In Asia, people believe that the Cranes, Elephants and Crickets are the three animals that bring good luck. If you happen to be in South America, then you will most likely think that fish, especially a species called the try kantrop, are the bringers of good luck. In Europe and Africa, the good luck animals are Beetles, goldfish and rabbits.

πŸ¦„ Which are lucky mythical creatures?

There are many good luck mythical creatures, but in this article, we have mainly focused on three – unicorns, dragons and phoenixes. They are all believed to possess some sort of magic abilities and have a special place in the cultures of Ancient Greece, Vietnam and China. However, we have introduced them to our list mainly because they are said to bring good luck and endless fortune.

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